NNZ’s performance pathway is a centrally driven, targeted approach to athlete identification and development wherein individuals are assessed and benchmarked against the NNZ player profile and based on their identified potential, move into one of two streams, the NNZ Silver Ferns Development Programme or a Zone/Centre Development Programme.
In the pathway below NNZ is responsible for the Silver Ferns, the Silver Ferns development squads and the national talent identification programmes. Competition performance measures occur in international competition.
CNZ is responsible for franchise, zone and centre performance programmes. CNZ will implement a zone pathway that feeds the national pathway to Silver Fern representation. Our competition performance measures will occur in domestic competition.

Player Development Pathway
NNZ’s player development pathway is outlined below.

NNZ Performance Pathway
CNZ player development will occur through four programmes with different delivery mechanisms. The Pulse and Beko programmes will be centrally driven by NCZ; the leadership and implementation of the New Zealand Secondary School (NZSS) identification and development programme will be shared between centres and NCZ; and all age grade representative programmes will be centre led with support from NCZ.
The following diagram shows the pathway of a NCZ athlete from identification at under 15 through to Pulse representation.

CNZ Performance Pathway