Enter Now to Win 2 seats on the Double Decker TWoR Pulse Bus and 2 tickets to the Te Wānanga o Raukawa Pulse vs The Good Oil Tactix ANZ Premiership Game at Fly Palmy Arena in Palmerston North Sunday 10th March at 4:10pm

Photo Credit: Jo Holmes
- Head to www.netballnz.brackenlearning.com
- Register and create your profile for Netball NZ’s Learning and Development Portal
- Check that your ‘Centre’ and ‘Zone’ fields are completed
- Complete the three Community Coaching Online Learning Modules:
- Introduction to Netball Rules
- NetballSmart - Growing Physical Capacity and
- Player Centred Coaching
One lucky recipient will be drawn from all Community Coaches who have completed the three online modules by 5pm Wednesday 6th of March 2019
The lucky recipient and a friend will accompany Netball Central Pulse Members, Sponsors and Stakeholders on the Double Decker TWoR Pulse Bus travelling from Wellington to Fly Palmy Arena in Palmerston North on Sunday 10th of March. The winner and a friend will also gain entry to the ANZ Premiership Game: Te Wānanga o Raukawa Pulse vs The Good Oil Tactix Centre Pass at 4:10pm

Terms & Conditions
The Netball Central Zone Community Coaching Competition is open to any individual over the age of 18 years. The entrant must be coaching Netball at Year 7 level or above within Netball Central Zone in 2019 or who coached a team at this level in 2018. This includes Head and Assistant Coaches.
The winner and accompanying friend must cover all other expenses including:
- all food and beverages
- travel to and from a pick up and drop off point of their choice:
- ASB Sports Centre 72 Kemp Street Kilbirnie Wellington
- Wellington Train Station Platform 9
- Paremata Train Station
- Otaki State Highway 1
Any Community Coach who has already completed the three online modules in 2017 and 2018 is automatically entered into the draw. Please note all questions contained in the online modules must be answered correctly in order to qualify for the winning prize. For questions or queries please contact Tash Rowlands Zone Coach Lead

Photo Credit:PhotoWellington